Start Taking Turmeric Every Day, See What Happens to Your Body #shorts

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The health benefits of taking Turmeric every day
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We'll be talking about these items in this video:
- What happens when you eat turmeric every day?
- How to add turmeric to our diet?
- What are the benefits of eating turmeric?
- What are the properties of turmeric for the body?
- What are the top benefits of turmeric?
- What are the benefits of turmeric on the skin?
- How to fix diseases by eating turmeric every day?
- How to treat depression with turmeric?
- How to stop Alzheimer's with turmeric?
- What are the turmeric effects on heart disease?
- What are the turmeric effects on the brain?
- What are the turmeric effects on inflammation?
- How to fix inflammation with turmeric?
Start Taking Turmeric Every Day, See What Happens to Your Body
1. Turmeric Lessens Inflammation
C) Taking curcumin, a yellow pigment in turmeric, is pretty helpful for chronic conditions where inflammation begins to affect tissues in your body. In one study, patients with ulcerative colitis who took only two grams of curcumin along with their daily prescription medication were actually more likely to stay in remission than those patients who took medicine alone. As Nicole Hopsecger, a clinic registered dietitian, explains, while turmeric will not necessarily help during an active flare-up, it might help prolong remission.
2. Turmeric Improves Memory
D) A study has found that taking 90 milligrams of curcumin twice a day for 18 months will help adults without dementia perform better in terms of memory. As Hopsecger says, curcumin might possibly play a role in preventing the development of Alzheimer’s disease. However, further research and studies are needed in this area.
3. Turmeric Lessens Pain
E) Turmeric has deep roots in both Ayurveda and Chinese traditional medicine for treating arthritis. Studies show that taking turmeric can reduce pain from osteoarthritis, although more research is still needed. About this, Hopsecger said that she wouldn’t rely on a curcumin supplement alone and that medical management should come first.
4. Turmeric Fights Free Radicals
F) Turmeric has antioxidant properties, and the findings of a study suggest that it might protect bodies from free radicals by neutralizing them. And according to another research, the antioxidant effects of turmeric might also stimulate the activity of other antioxidants.
5. Turmeric Lowers the Risk of Heart Diseases
G) With its amazing ability to help reduce oxidation and inflammation, turmeric can actually decrease the risk of heart disease. Based on a study, turmeric might actually help reverse the heart disease process. Another research followed about 120 adults who had coronary artery bypass surgery. Several days before and after the surgery, the selected group that took four grams of curcumin each day saw an amazing 65% reduction in the risk of having a heart attack in the hospital.
H) Turmeric might also be beneficial when taken with medication for controlling cholesterol levels. Studies suggest that curcumin is quite safe and might protect those at serious risk for heart disease by lessening certain levels of cholesterol, although further study is needed to examine how much and what type is effective.
6. Turmeric Helps Fight Depression
I) If you have depression, the BDNF protein is reduced, and your brain’s hippocampus, which helps with memory and learning, begins to shrink. The findings of a study suggest that curcumin can boost BDNF levels and reverse changes.
J) Another study suggested that curcumin was just as effective as the antidepressant Fluoxetine in lowering the symptoms of depression. Curcumin can also raise the levels of dopamine and serotonin, which are the chemicals that regulate moods and other body functions.
7. Turmeric Helps Prevent Cancer
K) According to a few studies, turmeric might affect cancer growth and development. One research, which focused on colorectal cancer, surprisingly saw a 40% reduction in the number of lesions in the colon in men.
L) So, now, the question is: how much turmeric should be taken in a day? Well, doctors usually recommend taking 500 milligrams with food twice a day, but the dose that is safe and quite right for you depends on your overall health. You know, more isn’t always better, so just talk to your doctor.

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